The straightforward
"PASS is a company which, in addition to its success as a customer and company, is also committed to fulfilling its social responsibility towards society and its employees."
Jeremi, Senior Consultant in Logistics
Academic education
Computer Science at the University of Wuerzburg
Career with PASS
- 2008 – Assistant Consultant
- 2010 – Junior Consultant
- 2011 – Certified Consultant
- 2013 – Senior Consultant
How does PASS encourage your personal and professional development?
For PASS, employee development is very important. There are regular appraisals with supervisors on individual goals and applicable development measures are agreed. The PASS Academy has a wide range of offers and is the appropriate platform to implement the agreed goals. The offers range from specialist to technical subjects and up to project management. Next to this and above all, it’s my daily work that stimulates my development – starting with the latest technology to which we migrate in client projects, the support from interns, from work on new and exciting subjects and also the seminars from which you can gain much knowledge in other areas like banking or management.
What makes PASS so unique compared to other companies?
PASS is above other employers on account of its corporate philosophy. This makes PASS an organization that in addition to customer and business success, is also committed to meeting its social responsibility for the organization and its employees.
What does induction training looks like at PASS?
In my area new colleagues are trained on-the-job. After a short specialized and technical orientation they are integrated immediately into projects and teams. For any questions or problems there is always a colleague in the team ready to help.
Which soft skills are particularly important in your area?
To tackle things consistently and to implement in a straightforward manner, are the most important for me. In addition you should have good time management and team skills.
What do you appreciate about your team?
My team excels with its diversity of people, who cooperate and complement each other and are always ready for productive exchange of ideas. I also appreciate the friendly working relations and reliability.